The North Sea Market for Scale Inhibitors in Oil Production Operations (1999)
The North Sea scale inhibitor market is valued at over $40 million in 1999. This market has increased significantly over the last five years and is estimated to grow by over 8 % per annum in volume terms in the period to 2005. Although the UK is the largest national market, strongest growth rates are anticipated in Norwegian sector over the next 5 years.
The report contains assessments of this valuable speciality chemical market by country sectors, application methods, chemistry types, industry structure, major customers and suppliers. The report highlights current and future technology developments and business opportunities for scale inhibitor technologies. Environmental regulation will increasingly impact the use and discharge of chemicals in offshore oil and gas production operations.
In recent years scale inhibitor research has focused on deployment technologies rather than novel chemistry. The renewed focus for additive technology development will centre on enhanced cost effective scale treatment, improved inhibitor performance for HT/HP fields in combination with high salinity brines and inherently biodegradable polymers to meet future environmental requirements.
The North Sea market will continue to be the leading edge of the oil industry scale management business and a launching pad for new technology to other worldwide markets.
DataSolveā¢ Report No 1
Published 31 January, 2000
Price 2,000 Euros plus VAT