The Worldwide Market for Low Dosage Gas Hydrate Inhibitors in the Upstream Oil Industry
Over the last ten to fifteen years major oil companies, notably BP, Shell and ExxonMobil, have pioneered the development and exploitation of novel low dosage gas hydrate inhibitors (LDHI) to offset the increasing costs of handling large volumes of thermodynamic gas hydrate inhibitors, such as methanol. Two types of LDHI, kinetic hydrate inhibitors (KHI) and anti-agglomerants (AA) are now established for oilfield gas hydrate flow assurance management.
In the last five years the key change factor has been growing operator confidence in LDHI technology. From 2000 to 2004 the embryonic market for LDHI products, supplied almost exclusively through the oilfield service company sector, has grown more than five fold. In the period to 2010 this developing LDHI market, including both KHI and AA product types, is forecast to enjoy major growth rates, However, LDHI technology will not replace thermodynamic inhibitors and all projections continue to describe a relatively small speciality chemical market by chemical industry standards.
This report provides a general overview of the worldwide gas hydrate chemicals market and, in particular, detailed analyses of the LDHI market. Additionally, the report describes technology gaps, marketing opportunities, key industry players and supply channels for the development, commercialisation and marketing of LDHI technology. Company profiles are included for selected oil companies, oilfield service companies and chemical manufacturers.
DataSolveā¢ Report No 7
Published 30 June, 2005
Price 4250 Euros
JD Vistas Limited
June 2005